2015 Community Indicators Report Now Available

Jul 1, 2015 | Newsroom

The Children and Families Commission of Orange County is the lead partner in the production of the annual Orange County Community Indicators Report. Since 2000 the Community Indicators Report has tracked countywide trends related to the economy, income, housing, education, health, safety, and infrastructure. The recently completed 2015 report was restructured to focus on pivotal issues impacting Orange County.

The Orange County Community Indicators report was restructured in 2015 to focus attention on pivotal issues which impact the wellbeing of the county so significantly that solving them must be Orange County’s top priority. These issues include housing, children’s health and wellbeing, and the opportunity gap between high and low-income families and their children. Shifts in Orange County’s population and the economy further highlight the impact and magnitude of these on the future residents and workforce. The report retains the core components of past reports, updating the presentation of the community profile and key indicators with clear graphics and headlines that highlight how Orange County is doing. Indicators include measurement across a broad range of topics: economy, income, housing, education, health, safety, and infrastructure.

You can now access the 2015 Orange County Community Indicators report here.

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