Join us in person for a Board meeting December 6

Dec 1, 2023 | First 5 Commission News, News & Announcements

Join us at 9 a.m. Wednesday, December 6, 2023, as First 5 Orange County meets in person.

The meeting will be held at Orange County Transportation Authority Conference Center, 550 South Main Street, Orange, CA. Members of the public can listen to live audio streaming of the meeting via phone or Zoom.

The December Board meeting will feature a presentation by Sara Brown, Vice President of Health Systems and Family Resilience, on Orange County’s Prenatal-to-Three System of Care. She will share First 5 OC’s recent learnings, and the next steps moving toward an integrated system of care that is prevention-focused and provides family-centered offerings in targeted communities.

The Board will hold a public hearing to authorize submittal of the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report to First 5 California and the State Controller’s office. After the meeting, First 5 OC’s website will be updated with the new report.

An additional agenda item is consideration and authorization of agreements with 25 school districts in Orange County to provide early learning services, with three components:

  1. Leadership support for early childhood within the school district system,
  2. Community and parent engagement, and
  3. Participation in the collection of and use of data to support children and families.

The Board will also review and authorize an agreement with the County of Orange Health Care Agency to accept funding to implement a Black Infant Health Program to address the large and persistent disparities in Black maternal and infant health in Orange County, and will approve an updated roster of qualified consultants, including for translation services.

First 5 Orange County is going paperless for our Board meetings. For a complete list of agenda items, including back up materials, click here.

To listen to the meeting via Zoom click here, or use Zoom Webinar ID 811 4338 0844 and the passcode 365156. You can also listen to the meeting via phone at 1-646-558-8656 or 1-669-900-9128.

Public Comments:

Members of the public may address the Board regarding any item in one of three ways:

  1. In-Person Comment – Members of the public may attend the meeting in person and address the Commission regarding any item contained in the agenda. If you wish to speak on an agenda item, please complete a Speaker Form identifying the item(s) and deposit it in the Speaker Form Return box located next to the Clerk. Speaker Forms are available at the entrance of the Conference Center
  2. Verbal Comment (Zoom) – Public Comment may also be made by member of the public participating via Zoom. When the item is called, use the “Raise Hand” feature in Zoom or dial *9 if participating by phone. Please wait to be called upon by staff.
  3. Written Comment – Public comments may be submitted in writing by emailing them to The comments will be distributed to all of the Commissioners and read into the meeting record. If you wish to comment on a specific agenda item, please identify the item in your email. General public comments will be addressed during the general public comment item on the agenda. In order to ensure that staff has the ability to provide comments to the Commissioners in a timely manner, please submit your comments by 12:00 p.m. on December 5, 2023. Public comments will be made available to the public upon request.

Any member of the public requiring a reasonable accommodation to participate in this meeting should contact the Commission at least 48 hours prior to the meeting at or (714) 834-2206.

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