Funding opportunity for Black Infant Health program

Feb 14, 2024 | News & Announcements, Partners & Providers

First 5 Orange County will be selecting one or more agencies to implement a Black Infant Health (BIH) program. We are seeking organizations that have the values, experience, and infrastructure to implement the BIH program in Orange County.

Download the RFP as a Word document here

This opportunity is open to all interested agencies including those not currently funded by First 5 Orange County.

Background: In October 2023, Orange County was awarded its inaugural Black Infant Health (BIH) program grant from the California Department of Public Health’s Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health Division. This vital initiative, funded through Federal Title V MCH Block Grant funds, Federal Title XIX (Medicaid) funds, and State General funds, aims to improve Black infant and maternal health and decrease the inequities in mortality rates.

The OC Health Care Agency received the award and subcontracted a portion of the grant to First 5 Orange County, given our focus on the prenatal to five population and ability to reach qualified community-based organizations that can ramp up quickly to implement BIH. The Health Care Agency and First 5 Orange County are working collaboratively to support the success of BIH.

Please send questions to Applications must be received by 3 p.m. February 28, 2024.

We encourage community stakeholders to share this notice with your partners.

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