Governor’s May Revise Proposes Significant Cuts to Early Childhood Services

May 23, 2024 | First 5 Commission News, News & Announcements

California Governor Gavin Newsom’s May Revision has been released, which includes details on expected state budget cuts. First 5s across the state have been facing a decline in tobacco tax revenue and the proposed cuts deepen the impact on programs and services for children and families.

Among the programs and services facing cuts are:

  • CalWORKS Home Visiting Program,
  • Universal Transitional Kindergarten,
  • Children and Youth Behavioral Health Initiative,
  • Child Care Slots, and
  • Continuous Medi-Cal eligibility for children 0-5 was not included in the budget.

The Governor’s proposed cuts add immense pressures on local First 5 organizations and early childhood providers to administer more services with less funding.

“These budget cuts deprive very young children and their families of essential services at a crucial stage in their lives,” said Ramin Baschshi, M.D., Chair of the First 5 Orange County Board of Commissioners. “Our youngest citizens need increased support, not less, as the experiences in early childhood lay the foundation for lifelong success. Supporting early childhood education is an investment in the future of our entire community.”

The First 5 Association of California shared that the proposed cuts will affect children and families who depend on crucial child care, parenting supports, mental health services, and high-quality early learning programs.

“At the California Children and Families Commission (First 5 CA), our steadfast dedication to meeting the needs of children aged 0-5, their families, and communities remains resolute,” said First 5 CA Executive Director, Jackie Wong. “As we confront the gravity of the revised budget, our focus remains unyielding on realizing our Audacious Goal and North Star: ensuring that every child in California has the opportunity to thrive.”

Click here to view the First 5 Association’s Response.

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