Alameda County passed 1/2 cent sales tax to support early childhood education

Jul 3, 2024 | News & Announcements, Partners & Providers

Alameda County is supporting early childhood health care and education through Measure C, a half-cent sales tax that is expected to generate about $150 million per year. The measure was passed by voters in 2020 and was upheld by the California Supreme Court in April 2024.

The funds from The Children’s Health and Child Care Initiative for Alameda County (Measure C) will be used to increase access to high-quality early learning programs in Alameda County, improve child-centered spaces such parks and libraries, improve access to child care and support training for early educators and providers, and support pediatric health care.

First 5 Alameda County is in the midst of a year-long planning process and expects to implement the plan in fiscal year 2025-26.

First 5 Alameda County is holding an informative webinar from 7 to 8 p.m. July 10 for early care and education providers to learn more about Measure C.

Click here to register for the webinar on July 10.

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