First 5 OC’s Investment in Home Visiting
Home Visiting is a powerful, evidence-based approach to promote family resilience and connection. Home visiting matches parents with trained professionals who provide tailored, one-on-one parenting and health care education along with connections to community resources.
Orange County’s current home visiting system has the capacity to support one in three families with home visiting related services. The capacity of the home visiting system is insufficient. There is a gap of about 10,000 moderate to high need newborns annually in OC who could benefit from home visiting related services.
Home Visiting agencies across Orange County
Home Visiting models in practice
Home Visitors
children received developmental screenings
children received depression screenings
languages available
total Home Visits in Fiscal Year 2023-24
successful referrals given by Home Visitors
Often as parents, we have our own way of doing these things, but we may not be doing them in the best way or the correct way. It is helpful when someone, a professional, can provide information and support. Being a parent does not come with a guide and you can never have too much information! – Home Visiting parent