First 5 Orange County launches new website

Aug 4, 2021 | Press Releases

SANTA ANA, Calif. – August 4, 2021 – First 5 Orange County is excited to announce the launch of its new and improved website and introductory video at

The redesign is intended to better showcase First 5 Orange County’s work toward our vision that all children reach their full potential, with an emphasis on First 5 Orange County’s 2021-2025 Strategic Plan conditions for children to thrive, including early and ongoing health and development; a safe, stable and nurturing home; neighborhoods that support young children and families; and equitable distribution of resources

The new site will help First 5 Orange County better serve and engage with Orange County’s families, professionals, and communities, with up-to-date resources and information. The site features data from First 5 Orange County’s Early Development Index, a population-based measure of early child development and school readiness, and highlights First 5 Orange County’s groundbreaking research into child care and its impact on families, businesses, and the local economy.

The website features a video about First 5 Orange County’s work, an easy-to-navigate layout, and details about First 5 Orange County’s work toward reaching its Strategic Plan goals.

The site was unveiled to the First 5 Orange County Children and Families Commission during its Aug. 4, 2021 meeting. First 5 Orange County is inviting visitors to explore the new website, learn about the impacts of child care in Orange County, and watch the video at

About First 5 Orange County

First 5 Orange County’s vision is that all children reach their full potential. We invest in services that support early and ongoing health and development; a safe, stable and nurturing home; neighborhoods that support young children and families; and equitable distribution of resources. Funding is provided by a 50-cent tax on tobacco products sold in California. For more information, visit

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