California Cost of Quality Study Survey for Preschool and Child Care Providers

Jun 17, 2022 | News & Announcements

Preschool and child care providers nurture our children, families, and economies, but the cost of providing subsidized early education and care is greater than the amount providers are currently reimbursed.

Preschool and child care providers are invited to help inform how the state of California may set future reimbursement rates by participating in the California Cost of Quality Study until the survey closes June 22. The survey is available in multiple languages.

The study, led by Prenatal to Five Fiscal Strategies and funded by the Heising-Simons Foundation and the Pritzker Children’s Initiative, will highlight how much it really costs to provide all types of high-quality preschool and child care across California and how far current public funding goes toward covering that cost.

Results from this study will be shared with the California Rate Reform and Quality Workgroup as well as the Child Care Providers United (CCPU) Joint Labor Management Committee, to inform their decisions about the methodology that may be used by the state to set future reimbursement rates.

For this study to be successful, input is needed from all types of providers (center-based, licensed family child care, and license-exempt family, friend and neighbor providers).

Here’s how you can help:

  1. Complete the provider survey at this link. The survey will collect information about your expenses, including compensation (pay) and occupancy (rent or mortgage), as well as program characteristics and the ages of children served.
  2. Participate in an interview or a focus group in June to help inform the development of the cost model. Focus groups will be offered in-person and virtually and available in English and Spanish. A recording of the information session and more information on the dates will be available at this link.

Personal identifying information will NOT be included in the study results or reports. Your privacy is of the utmost importance.

For more information, visit or contact the Prenatal to 5 Fiscal Strategies Team via email at

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