Commission for Behavioral Health releases Request for Applications for a 0-5/Maternal Behavioral Health initiative

Feb 13, 2025 | Early Childhood Mental Health, Partners & Providers

First 5 Orange County will host a community dialogue on Tuesday, Feb. 18. 

The California Commission for Behavioral Health is awarding grants to local Community Based Organizations to meet behavioral health needs of birthing people, children ages 0-5, and their parents and caregivers.

  • They intend to award Mental Health Wellness Act funds to enhance the systems of care and leverage collaborative partnerships to reduce out-of-home placements, improve educational outcomes, identify developmental delays, and serve the behavioral health needs of birthing people during pregnancy and to the family through infancy and early childhood.
  • A total of $18 million will be awarded to six grantees – two each for small, medium, and large population designations (Orange County is considered a large population area).
  • Grantees must include their experience collaborating with county agencies to provide support services for the population, specifically: Behavioral Health, Child Welfare Services, Social Service Agencies, County First 5s and/or County Resource Centers.

First 5 Orange County will host a community dialogue on Tuesday, February 18, 2025, from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. This session will provide an opportunity to exchange ideas, explore potential collaborations, and discuss how we can support organizations in securing funding for Orange County.

To join the conversation:

Meeting ID: 874 4810 2134
Passcode: 979547

Click here to view the RFA. 

For more information about this opportunity, reach out to Sara Brown at

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