Nov 24, 2009 | Newsroom

Several hundred children and families attended the Children’s Health and Resource Fair held Saturday, November 14th at Mitchell Child Development Center in Santa Ana. Children received free dental, asthma and developmental screenings. Santa Ana’s School Readiness Nurses measured children’s height, weight and BMI. In addition, families received assistance with health insurance, information on vision screenings, programs for new mothers, and tips on healthy eating and cooking.

As part of its celebration of Children’s Literacy Month, The Early Literacy Program provided a booth where children enjoyed story time and received books in English and Spanish to take home. Music, crafts and educational raffle prizes created a festive, family-friendly atmosphere for children and parents to learn more about health and wellness. The enthusiastic participation by high school volunteers demonstrated to the youngest attendees that healthy habits (even a trip to the dentist chair!) can be a fun and positive experience.

The success of the fair was made possible by the collaboration of a great network of individuals, including staff and volunteers from participating agencies, SAUSD School Readiness Project Coordinators, Parent Trainers, Support Staff, and Nurses, VISTA members and students from Godinez High School in Santa Ana.

Approximately 25 children received developmental screenings from the American Academy of Pediatrics. Close to 65 children received dental screenings (including 38 birth to age 5), and 10 children were screened for asthma.

Asthma Screenings

  • 10 children screened, all of them tested positive for asthma risk.


  • 158 new children’s books were distributed.

Healthy Smiles Screenings

  • 38 Children (birth to age 5) were screened:
  • 1 had severe dental decay
  • 11 had visible decay
  • 26 showed no visible decay
  • 15 of these children were uninsured, they will be care-coordinated and linked to a dental home and insurance assistance.
  • 25 Children (+6) screened
  • 3 had severe dental decay
  • 8 had visible cavities
  • 14 showed no visible cavities
  • 15 of these children were uninsured, they will be care-coordinated and linked to a dental home and insurance assistance.

All families received oral health education and all children received toothbrushes. Parents received oral health pamphlets and Cook Books with Tooth Friendly recipes. Children were referred to Healthy Smiles and La Amistad.

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