First 5 Orange County partners with OC Business Council for Community Indicators Report event

Sep 13, 2021 | Events

The Orange County Business Council is holding a virtual event from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Sept. 16 to discuss the details of this year’s Orange County Community Indicators Report, which tracks the region’s health, prosperity, and where the county is performing and making progress.

Register for this free event here.

The featured speaker is Dr. Wallace Walrod, Chief Economic Advisor for the Orange County Business Council. Walrod has been in charge of research at the Orange County Business Council since 1997. He has led strategic projects with organizations in Orange County and regionally, including First 5 Orange County’s Phase II of its Child Care Landscape Analysis, “Child Care and Its Impact On Orange County’s Economy.”

Other panelists include:

  • Colleen Dillaway, Director of Public Affairs for Cox Communications
  • Jeff Montejano, Chief Executive Officer for the Building Industry of Southern California
  • Christine Olmstead, Ed.D., Associate Superintendent, Educational Services for the OC Department of Education

The Orange County Community Indicators Report is part of Orange County’s broad range of robust, data-rich reports that track issues of importance on a regular basis.

The free virtual event will be held from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 16, 2021.

The discussion topics include:

  • What long-term effects will the COVID-19 pandemic’s “lost year” have on Orange County’s economy?
  • How will the rise of mainstreaming remote work affect Orange County’s housing and labor markets, and on which industries will it have the largest impact?
  • Which pandemic-driven shifts in consumer behavior will last beyond 2021?
  • Which Orange County industries have the brightest outlook for the post-pandemic period?
  • Why did hundreds of thousands leave California during the pandemic, and what consequences will this have on Orange County?

Register for this free event here.

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