First 5 Orange County Releases Request for Proposals for the Engaged Neighborhoods Evaluation

Dec 16, 2024 | News & Announcements

First 5 Orange County will be selecting a professional or firm to conduct an evaluation of the Engaged Neighborhood initiative. We’re seeking evaluators that have the experience, values, and capacity to conduct the evaluation in collaboration with the program stakeholders.

Click here to download the Request for Proposal as a PDF or as a Word document.

This opportunity is open to all interested and qualified parties, including those not currently working with First 5 Orange County.

Background: Since 2016, First 5 Orange County’s Engaged Neighborhood Initiative empowers families and neighborhoods to advocate for their young children while connecting families to the early health and development systems, and the systems to each other. We currently fund collaborative Engaged Neighborhood groups in four Cities: Anaheim, Garden Grove, La Habra, and Santa Ana.

Each of the Engaged Neighborhood collaboratives is different; they started at other times; and each has created their own Impact Plan as a guide to creating dreams for their community, setting goals for accomplishing those dreams, and measuring the outcomes for achieving those dreams.

First 5 Orange County is seeking a consultant or organization to help us document and communicate results emerging from the Engaged Neighborhood investment and generate learnings of the strategies that have yielded system change.

Please send questions to by December 23, 2024. Questions will be answered by December 30, 2024. Please send proposals to by 3:00 pm on  January 10, 2025.

We encourage community stakeholders to share this notice with your partners.

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