First 5 Orange County’s latest child care report featured in Orange County Register, Univision

Jun 8, 2021 | News & Announcements

The second phase of First 5 Orange County’s Child Care Landscape Analysis report was featured in an article in The Orange County Register detailing the findings.

The story quoted First 5 Orange County President/CEO Kim Goll in highlighting that child care challenges contribute a significant toll on Orange County companies and the overall economy, with billions of dollars lost in productivity, wages and tax revenue.

An excerpt from the story:

Already, recognition of the crucial role that child care plays in creating a stable workforce is generating the kind of response that First 5 hopes will translate into public and private efforts to fill the gaps.

“Lack of adequate child care is taking working parents out of the workforce talent pool, and many employers recognize the importance of addressing this challenge,” the report says.

Read the Orange County Register story by clicking below or click here.

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