Fiscal Year 16/17 Annual Report Summary Now Available

Jan 5, 2018 | News & Announcements

The Children and Families Commission of Orange County oversScreen Shot 2018-01-05 at 9.10.51 AMees the allocation of funds from Proposition 10, which added a 50-cent tax on tobacco products sold in California. In Fiscal Year 2016/17, the Commission allocated $24.8 million to fund programs that served young children. Funds help pay for pediatric primary and specialty health care, children’s dental, homeless prevention, early education, and child development programs for children from the prenatal stage to age five and their families. The Commission’s goal is to ensure all children are healthy and ready to learn when they enter school.

Summary: What Can We Do in One Year?

57,047 new and used books were distributed to children

54,791 parents received referrals to services for their children’s health and developmental concerns

47,577 children participated in early literacy programs

Children received 37,267 emergency or transitional shelter bed nights and their family members received 47,215 bed nights

23,523 children received oral health education and 13,465 children received preventative dental treatment

The Annual Report Summary describes the Commission’s strategic priorities and the many programs it supports. To read the full report, please click here.

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