Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for Black PEARL Doula Network Request for Proposals (RFP)

Jan 15, 2025 | News & Announcements

Below are answers to each question submitted to First 5 Orange County on the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for Black PEARL Doula Network Request for Proposals (RFP).

Question: I see that the RFP allows for applicants outside of Orange County to apply. Does the applicant need to be within the state of California?

Answer: Applicants located outside of California are eligible to submit proposals provided they meet all of the qualifications outlined in the RFP and can effectively provide services within Orange County. The nature of the work involves in-person events, trainings, and substantial local support, and therefore First 5 Orange County will evaluate firms based on their ability to provide those services and fulfill the in-person requirements.

Question: I would like to confirm if organizations located outside of California are eligible to apply, provided they meet the qualification outline in the RFP and propose a plan for providing services within Orange County.

Answer: Applicants located outside of California are eligible to submit proposals provided they meet all of the qualifications outlined in the RFP and can effectively provide services within Orange County. The nature of the work involves in-person events, trainings, and substantial local support, and therefore First 5 Orange County will evaluate firms based on their ability to provide those services and fulfill the in-person requirements.

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