Kimberly Goll Named Executive Director of The Children and Families Commission of Orange County

Jun 23, 2016 | First 5 Commission News, Newsroom

HEADSHOT_Kim GollThe Children and Families Commission of Orange County is pleased to announce Kimberly Goll as its new executive director.

In her role as executive director, Goll will have a special focus on sustainability. She will lead the Commission’s innovative catalytic contracting model to attract additional public and community funding support; expand its comprehensive capacity building strategy to draw federal and national philanthropic funding; and secure additional leveraged funding for Commission priorities.

“I am honored to begin this new and exciting job as executive director,” said Goll. “Working at the Commission for the past 14 years, I have been a part of a number of groundbreaking initiatives and programs that have made a sustained difference in making sure our young children are healthy and ready to learn. It is my intent to continue and expand on this momentum.”

Koll first came to the Commission in 2002. Prior to accepting the executive director position, she served as the Strategy and Operations Director with responsibilities that included grant-making and outreach, contract development and compliance, and managing two Commission goal areas, Strong Families and Capacity Building.

Early in her career she worked for the City of Santa Ana, implementing Federal Empowerment Zone funding.

Goll holds a Master in Urban and Regional Planning from University of California, Irvine, and a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Sociology from University of California, Davis.

The Children and Families Commission of Orange County is a leader in responding to children’s needs and supporting programs and policy best practices for children’s health and development. The Commission has identified, funded and supported programs with demonstrable positive impacts on children’s health and school readiness. Its strategic partnerships have allowed the Commission to leverage collective resources to better meet the challenges associated with keeping children healthy and ready to learn. The Commission’s work has been and continues to be replicated, as it has become known as a reliable, collaborative and forward-thinking partner in Orange County, statewide and nationally.


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