Mar 20, 2012 | Newsroom

Yesterday the Attorney General’s office confirmed they would not be pursing an appeal of Assembly Bill 99.  As you recall, last November the Superior Court issued a decisive ruling to uphold Proposition 10 voter protections, but some anticipated that the Administration would appeal the trial court decision.  Today that issue has been put to rest.

“We are pleased that the uncertainty is settled, and obviously this is wonderful news for children in Orange County. Our priority has always been to protect local funding and support critical programs for at-risk children and their families,” said Sandra Barry, Chair of the Children and Families Commission of Orange County.

The decision will not have any short-term impacts since the Commission took swift action, on the heels of the Superior Court ruling last November, to award $45 million – money that was tied up because of AB 99.

“As soon as the court ruled against AB 99, the Commission began working on a plan that would get the much-needed money into community programs and services,” said Barry.  <!–[endif]–>

The Commission took action to protect and expand community health and education programs and invested in programs such children’s dental care, autism diagnosis and treatment, early literacy, year-round emergency shelter and other critical services.

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