OC Health Care Agency to Hold Listening Forums on Health Needs on May 28 and 29

May 24, 2024 | Partners & Providers

Please help us spread the word! The Orange County Health Care Agency (HCA) has been working with community, county and health care partners to conduct a health needs assessment for the maternal, child, and adolescent (MCA) population.

The OC HCA has been reviewing available data on health issues affecting the MCA population and conducted 17 focus groups and 176 additional individual interviews with community members to identify and narrow down the top health needs. As the final part of the needs assessment, OC HCA is now gathering provider and community input to prioritize among the identified top health needs.

The listening forums will be held in English, Spanish, and Vietnamese and will focus around providing participants with a short background and review of data on the top health needs identified for each population, followed by a prioritization activity.

The forums will be held at Latino Health Access at 450 W. 4th St., Santa Ana, CA 92701, on May 28 from 5 to 6 p.m. and on May 29 from 10 to 11 a.m.

For more information, see the flyers below in English, Spanish, and Vietnamese.

Please share the forum information with clients and staff.

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