Nov 25, 2009 | Newsroom

Partnership Succeeds In Reducing Injuries to Orange County Children Age 4 and younger

Data shows significant decrease in injury mortality among age group targeted by American Academy of Pediatricians and Children and Families Commission partnership

IRVINE, CALIF. – A decade of child injury data indicates that the innovative approach to child injury prevention championed by the Injury and Violence Prevention Program has produced uncommon results in Orange County. The recent analysis of data on Orange County child injury death trends by age group from 1997-2007 revealed a decline among the age group targeted by the Injury and Violence Prevention Program when compared to other age groups.

“Across the country, prevention is often difficult to measure, but this data shows that injury prevention works when the strategies are implemented correctly,” said Dr. Phyllis Agran, President of the American Academy of Pediatrics, California Chapter 4, which manages the Injury and Violence Prevention Program. “Providing pediatricians and other child health and education professionals with the tools and training to educate and counsel parents on injury prevention saves lives.”

The analysis examined injury death trends in Orange County residents from 0-19 years of age and found that injury deaths per year have steadily declined among the 0-4 age group, from 40 in 1997 to 14 in 2007. The Injury and Violence Prevention Program targets injury prevention among children 0-5 years old and has become a nationally recognized program serving as a model for other American Academy of Pediatrics chapters.

Partnership Blends Expertise and Resources

The American Academy of Pediatrics, California Chapter 4 Injury and Violence Prevention Program is funded by the Children and Families Commission of Orange County. Through collaboration with the leading organization of Orange County pediatricians, the Children and Families Commission has leveraged resources to save the lives of children.

“It’s no secret that child injuries are the leading cause of death among children in Orange County. Our Board saw that AAP just needed resources to implement their strategies and program,” said Kelly Pijl, Assistant Director of the Prop. 10 tobacco tax-funded Children and Families Commission.

The Injury and Violence Prevention Program provides pediatricians and other child health and education professionals with training, educational materials, and ongoing technical assistance to help them counsel and educate parents on proven approaches to injury and violence prevention. The program also incorporates injury and violence prevention education into community services, such as community clinics and family resource centers.

A New Parent is Born Every Minute

Despite the success of the program, child injuries remain a leading cause of death among children in Orange County.

“We’re excited about the results, but we also realize that more can be done,” said Dr. Agran. “A new parent is born every minute, so there are constantly more parents in need of education on injury prevention.”

About the Injury and Violence Prevention Program

The Injury and Violence Prevention Program was established by the California Chapter 4, American Academy of Pediatrics in 2001, with the Orange County Children and Families Commission as the primary source of funding. The mission of the Injury and Violence Prevention Program is to: Increase the capacity of professionals, organizations, parents, caregivers, and the community to prevent childhood injury and violence in accordance with National AAP injury and violence prevention policies. For more information, visit

About the American Academy of Pediatrics, California Chapter 4

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and its member pediatricians dedicate their efforts and resources to the health, safety and well-being of infants, children, adolescents, and young adults. California Chapter 4 represents Orange County and works to achieve optimal health for all Orange County children by promoting pediatric excellence. For more information, visit

About the Children and Families Commission of Orange County

The Children and Families Commission of Orange County oversees the allocation of funds from Proposition 10 that add a 50-cent tax on tobacco products sold in California to fund education, health care and child development programs for children from the prenatal stage to age five and their families with the goal to ensure all children are healthy and ready to learn when they enter school. For more information, please visit

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