Presenters wanted for early childhood education conference

Dec 11, 2023 | News & Announcements, Partners & Providers

The Orange County Association for the Education of Young Children (OCAEYC) is planning its annual early childhood education professional conference for Orange County home-based, center-based, TK, and kindergarten teachers and administrators. The 2024 theme is The Power of Play and will feature a keynote by play coach and international trainer Carly Bedard.

The conference will take place on Saturday, March 16 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at The Great Wolf Lodge, 12681 Harbor Blvd, Garden Grove, CA 92840.

OCAEYC is looking for dynamic and diverse presenters with engaging proposals for 90-minute or 60-minute workshops. While OCAEYC welcomes workshops connected to the theme, The Power of Play, they are also looking for workshops on all topics that address early learning and development practices, policy, or research. Workshops should include audience participation and opportunities to collaborate. OCAEYC is looking for a variety of levels of workshop content, from beginning to advanced. Presenters may not sell or promote materials in their workshop.

Please consider submitting a proposal and/or forwarding this to someone you think will add value to the OCAEYC conference.

Accepted presenters will receive a code to access discounted registration for up to two presenters per workshop.

Proposals are due by Friday, January 5, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. Notifications of accepted proposals will be no later than January 19, 2024.

Apply here:

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