Family Ambassadors

First 5 OC believes in integrating parent voice in our projects and with our partners, including parents in the process of decision-making and supporting them as leaders. We have developed a Family Ambassador initiative so parents and caregivers can directly represent their family experience and help us better advocate to reduce disparities in access to quality services for families with young children.

A Family Ambassador provides insight into projects and plans through diverse lenses, offering personal experiences and open and honest feedback. They help make decisions about policies and documents, communicate their interests and concerns relating to their young children, and keep other parents and staff informed on pertinent program and resource information. Family Ambassadors may also participate in program evaluations and recruitment of new Family Ambassadors.

Meet our Family Ambassadors

There are 14 Family Ambassadors. Nine joined in November 2023 and five have participated since the program’s inception in 2021. These five seasoned ambassadors are also mentors to the newest team members.

OC Fatherhood Coalition

Tyler Choi and Tan Zhiewen participate in the OC Fatherhood Coalition. 

The OC Fatherhood Coalition began in 2022. The vision of the fatherhood initiatives is to improve outcomes for children and families by increasing fatherhood engagement in the most underserved populations in Orange County, improve engagement of fathers in programs that support families, and impact future generations. Family Ambassadors support by serving in the coalition and bringing a father’s perspective into programs based on their experience and the experiences of other fathers in the community.

Tyler Choi

Tyler Choi

Family Ambassador

Tyler Choi grew up in Orange County and is currently raising his family with three young children, ages 7, 5, and 1.

Tyler has been involved in the nonprofit sector for over 15 years through volunteer work and has devoted his career to serving children and families. He has led a mentoring program for children in the foster care system and currently works in the philanthropy department, raising needed support for children with disabilities.

As a parent, his passion for helping his community has grown to ensure that Orange County is a place where everyone can thrive.

ZhiWen Tan

ZhiWen Tan

Family Ambassador

ZhiWen Tan is the CEO and founder of MCT Technology, a leading provider of early education and care technology solutions that has revolutionized the industry by connecting and empowering over 8,000 programs nationwide.

With a passion for innovation, ZhiWen steers the company’s product vision and technical strategy. His primary focus lies in product development, where he excels in shaping and implementing advanced systems for child care subsidy programs.

ZhiWen’s leadership extends beyond the professional sphere; he is a dedicated family man, residing in Orange County with his wife, Cecilia, and their two daughters, Michelle, aged four, and Melinda, who is one and a half.

Equity Accountability Plan

Maritza Bermudez and Yohana Rojas are integral members of the Equity Accountability Plan workgroup. 

The workgroup is helping First 5 OC to live into our Equity Commitment, which was adopted by the Board in April 2023. The workgroup is creating an Equity Accountability Plan to define how we will hold ourselves and our organization accountable to this Equity Commitment.

Maritza Bermudez

Maritza Bermudez

Family Ambassador, Mentor

Maritza Bermudez was born and raised in the City of Anaheim where she continues to live. She has five children, ages 21, 13, 7, 5, and 4. Maritza is active in her children’s schools, PTA, Parent Leadership Institute, School Site Council, and many district committees at Anaheim Elementary School District and Anaheim Union High School District. She loves to volunteer with different local organizations and be active in civic engagement within the city.

Maritza is one of 12 parents selected to a Child Care Aware of America committee of parent leaders across the United States to help develop its next strategic plan to ensure that all families have access to quality, affordable child care. She is the only parent representing California. First 5 Orange County supported Maritza in her application and preparation for this new role and she will bring her learnings back to First 5 OC. 

Yohana Rojas

Yohana Rojas

Family Ambassador, Mentor

Yohana Rojas is a mother of two children ages 12 and 5, and lives in Santa Ana. Since becoming a mother, she has been more involved in community programs that support the well-being and development of children.

She is originally from Pueba, Mexico, and has lived in the United States for more than 13 years. Yohana has had culture clashes with education, language, and in general, all the systems of this country. She has been motivated to learn more each day to guide her children in their various unique interests. As a mother, Yohana wants to learn to balance their interests and her own, and establish equilibrium in her daily life.

Civic Empowerment 

Sara Ursenbach leads the Civic Empowerment workgroup, supported by Gaurav Jain, in collaboration with the policy and government affairs staff at First 5 OC.

This workgroup is creating a training on the unique roles and responsibilities of, and how to access, local government organizations including the county, cities, and school districts. This is directly aligned with the Community and Family Engagement theory of change by supporting famlies to become empowered changemakers to advocate for solutions to issues facing their community.

Sara Ursenbach

Sara Ursenbach

Family Ambassador, Mentor

Sara Ursenbach is an entrepreneur, advocate, and foster parent who lives in La Habra with her husband, two adopted children, one foster child, and one very fluffy cat.

She serves as the PTA president at her children’s elementary school, as the school board liaison for LHCSD PTA council, third-term School Site Council, and organizes community events such as the La Habra Children’s Business Fair and Read Across La Habra.

Working as a Family Ambassador furthers her advocacy efforts, strengthens her relationship with the community, and furthers her efforts to create a solid foundation of support for all children.

Gaurav Jain

Gaurav Jain

Family Ambassador

Gaurav Jain is originally from India and currently works as project manager at a company in Irvine where he manages projects related to developing medical devices that help improve the lives of people with urinary and incontinence dysfunctions. Gaurav received his Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering from Virginia Tech.

He is the father of a rising toddler and enjoys spending time with his family, going on hikes, attending various sports and educational activities in Orange County, and providing his son exposure to nature.

Gaurav joined First 5 OC to share his experiences raising a child as well as share and learn from fellow ambassadors about the resources that are available for high quality parenting.

CHOC Children’s Wellness on Wheels, an Equity in OC initiative 

Wendy Lemus is a member of the Wellness on Wheels Equity in OC initiative. 

CHOC Children’s, in partnership with First 5 OC, is piloting a community based mobile clinic called Wellness on Wheels in various neighborhoods. The Family Ambassador supports this work by building connections with families who are participating in the clinic and gathering feedback in order to improve access to health services.

Wendy Lemus

Wendy Lemus

Family Ambassador

Wendy Lemus is a mother of two who’s all about making a difference in the lives of children and families. Her journey began with the Kern County Migrant Ed Program, where she helped organize community events to promote kids’ health and education. Helping families understand the resources available in the community, regardless of their status, is her passion.

She works in Orange County with children diagnosed with autism, providing ABA therapy to help those children reach their full potential and support their families along the way.

As a Family Ambassador, Wendy advocates for early childhood development and supports families in the community. Wendy believes in the power of community involvement and is dedicated to creating a positive impact in her city.


Cross-sector Child Care Task Force 

Sophia Mercado participates in the Cross-sector Child Care Task Force.   

The Cross-Sector Child Care Task Force includes parents, employers, city and county representatives, child care providers, affordable housing developers, legislators, and philanthropists who are working together to develop and implement local and county-wide solutions to the child care crisis in Orange County.

Sophia Mercado

Sophia Mercado

Family Ambassador, Mentor

Sophia Mercado is mother to a young son, and tries her best to live out the qualities of love, service, and advocacy that she teaches her son about.

Sophia joined the Cross-sector Child Care Task Force because she felt a duty to fulfill as a parent and as a community member to contribute to the resolution of the child care problem in Orange County.

Family Centered Resource Fair 

Maria Sanchez, with support from Chloe Gutierrez, is working on the Family Centered Resource Fair. 

This group has identified communities that are not served by existing resource fairs and would benefit from support, as shown through the Early Development Index. They want to try a new approach where providers are grouped by resource and sit with families at round tables to discuss the family and community needs and come up with the best fit to address the need. 

Maria Sanchez

Maria Sanchez

Family Ambassador, Mentor

Maria Sanchez lives in Orange County and is a mother of three children: a 14-year-old daughter, and two sons, ages 11 and 4.

She loves kids and is working in an elementary school district after working in a Catholic school for many years at her local church. Maria loves to learn new things, especially topics related to the development of the physical and mental health of kids.

She is an avid supporter of First 5 OC and believes in the importance of children’s development during their first five years.

Chloe Medina

Chloe Medina

Family Ambassador

Chloe Medina is a mother of four boys, ages 14, 12, 10, and 3. Her youngest son has autism.

Chloe serves on the Head Start Policy Council and Executive Board, is the economic captain at Zero to Three, and has visited Washington, DC, to advocate for Early Head Start and Economic Security.

She is passionate about helping and giving back to her community, and she serves on the PTA Board and is the Parent SELPA representative for the La Habra City School District.

She and her family enjoy going to the beach, hiking, exploring, and going to the park.

SEEDS for Thriving Families Coalition (Services, Education, Emotional Development Support) 

Nekoda Mattox-Hall is a member of the SEEDS for Thriving Families Coalition.  

This collaborative is intended to enhance Orange County’s ability to promote and address perinatal and infant mental health (including perinatal substance use) by supporting care providers and community-based organizations through prevention, education, screenings, and interventions that are informed by parent voice. The Family Ambassador makes recommendations based on lived experience and close connections to peers with perinatal mental health needs and experiences.

Nekoda Mattox-Hall

Nekoda Mattox-Hall

Family Ambassador

Nekoda Mattox-Hall is business owner, artist, mother of three young children, and a parent advocate.

She experienced a postpartum mental health crisis after her first baby was born in 2018. She has since used the experience to fuel a strong passion for advocating in the community for the support that new parents need.

She has spoken at large and small events to advocate for parents and share her experience, as well as worked in a consulting role to help community programs build needed resources and connect parents to them.

Family Support Task Force

Sydney Reese attends the Family Centered Care Workgroup. Vanessa Castaneda attends the Reducing Stigma and Discrimination Workgroup. 

The Family Support Task Force is a supports system involved with families with substance use issues and is assisting with developing a countywide Family Wellness Plan (previously known as Plans of Safe Care) that ensures a comprehensive medical, mental health, and social services response to families in need. Family Ambassadors bring their lived expertise with substance use disorder, provide family voice and a message of hope, and provide input on ways to improve outcomes for families impacted by parental substance use. 

Sydney Reese

Sydney Reese

Family Ambassador

Sydney Reese is a single mother to two daughters ages 3 and 5.

She currently works as a Parent Mentor assisting parents in the reunification process, and aiding parents with extra support and encouragement.

Sydney helps parents navigate local community resources and helps parents get connected with resources to meet their specific needs.

Vanessa Castaneda

Family Ambassador

Vanessa Castaneda’s biography coming soon.

We are working together with family ambassadors to create an
organizational culture where incorporating family voices is the norm in First 5 OC operations.

For more information on Family Ambassadors, please contact Erwin Cox at