Supervisors Launch Countywide Recruitment for Children and Families Commission Members

Jan 5, 2012 | First 5 Commission News, Newsroom

Orange County Board Of Supervisors Launches Countywide Recruitment for Children and Families Commission Members; Board Seeks Candidates with Expertise and Experience in Health, Education and Early Intervention

January 5, 2012 (IRVINE, CA) – The Orange County Board of Supervisors has launched a countywide recruitment to fill three positions for 2012 on the Children and Families Commission of Orange County.  The recruitment is open to new applicants and current members.  Founded in 1999, the Commission is responsible for allocating Orange County’s share of Proposition 10 tobacco tax funds, which help pay for education, health and child development programs for children from the prenatal stage to age 5 and their families.

Board members are seeking applicants to fill two positions in the category of Health, and one position in the category of Education and Early Intervention. Candidates must have relevant expertise or experience in one of these categories. Examples of organizations that fall within the Health category include representatives from health and medical organizations, medical doctors, pediatricians and obstetricians.  Current and former members have included registered nurses, pediatricians and hospital executives.  Examples of organizations that fall within the Education and Early Intervention category include representatives from school districts and local foundations.  Current and former members have included school district superintendents, school board trustees, and public school foundations.

Applications for these positions will be accepted by 3:00 p.m. on February 6, 2012 and are available online at  To be considered, a completed application and resume must be mailed, hand delivered or faxed to: Children and Families Commission of Orange County, 17320 Redhill Avenue, Suite 200, Irvine, CA 92614, fax number 949-474-2243.

Questions about the Children and Families Commission of Orange County and the recruitment process can be directed to Kelly Pijl at 714-834-5186.

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