Mar 23, 2010 | Newsroom

The Children and Families Commission’s Reach Out and Read program partnered with UCI’s Department of Education to offer a field study course in early literacy and childhood education. Students received ongoing training and mentoring from the Early Literacy program staff, and were deployed across the county in Reach Out and Read pediatric offices and clinics reading to young children. The nationwide program promotes early literacy and school readiness with a research-tested, evidence-based model that’s proven to help children develop the language skills they will need to learn to read and succeed in school.

“This program opened my eyes to the importance of reading with young children,” said Amit Malhotra, one of the UCI students participating in the program. “It was wonderful to see the children’s responses to books. Many parents thanked me for opening their eyes to the joys of reading, but what they didn’t realize is that I learned even more from them.”

Due to the popularity and success of the pilot course it is being offered again this spring! A fresh volunteer corps of UCI students will be on hand to help instill a love of reading to children and parents across Orange County.

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