First 5 OC shares 2024 Request for Qualification Frequently Asked Questions

Mar 1, 2024 | First 5 Commission News, News & Announcements

First 5 Orange County has released the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) regarding the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for Consultant Services for 2024.

Completed applications are due by March 8, 2024 at 3 p.m.

Download the RFQ here (Word) and here (PDF).

Click here for the Frequently Asked Questions in PDF format.


1. I have previously submitted a consultant RFQ for First 5. I do not remember if it was in March of 2023 or earlier. Please let me know if I am already on the list.

The complete list of qualified applicants can be found as Item 10 at‐11/12‐06‐23%20CFCOC%20agenda%20packet.pdf

2. I have expertise in organizational and professional development. Is that suffice to apply, or do I also need to be a subject matter expert?

Organizational and Professional Development is a subject matter under Organizational Support. You can submit specifically for Organizational and Professional Development without submitting for any other subject matter area.

3. Are there page limits for the resume/C.V. and cover letter?

No. There are no page limits but please adhere to the guidelines related to what should be included in the cover letter and C.V./resume.

4. I am interested in applying for the F5 Orange County Consultant position. I serve the Birth to Five population as an early childhood mental health therapist / clinical program manager. In the checklist, there were 12 different types of consulting services, where can we find a description of each category?

First 5 Orange County is not seeking to fill an individual consultant position; rather, we are qualifying multiple consultants or consulting organizations as subject matter experts across several subject matters as listed in the RFQ. Descriptions of the subject matter expertise are set forth on pages 3‐6 of the RFQ. Qualifying individuals or organizations are not guaranteed work or a contract with First 5 Orange County.

5. Is there a minimum or a maximum number of consulting categories that can be applied for?

Each applicant must indicate at least one subject matter expertise. There is no maximum number of subject matter expertise that can be selected.

6. Is there a recommended number of consulting services that an applicant should apply for?


7. For each subject matter area, do we need to have experience/expertise for all of the bullet points (sub‐areas) listed under it?

Applicants with relevant subject matter expertise will be considered. Applicants with some but not all specified expertise within each subject matter will be considered.

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