Professional Resources

As part of that function, First 5 Orange County takes an active role in enriching parent involvement and resources, encouraging innovation and investing in systems of care that benefit the whole child.
Below are resources for providers that also serve to optimize young children’s health and development by promoting the importance of early childhood.
Speech and Language
Speech and Language Milestones Toolkit
The Speech & Language Milestones Toolkit for ages 0-5 helps parents and caregivers track their child’s communication development, from first sounds to early conversations. Learn what to expect at each stage and helpful tips on how to support language growth. Access the toolkit here.
Early Learning & Child Care
Doula Stipend Program Application
First 5 Orange County’s Doula Stipend Program Application is now open!
Our stipend program provides financial assistance to selected applicants as they pursue Medi-Cal provider status in alignment with the Department of Health Care Services’ recently released Doula Benefit.
The program aims to support local efforts to increase utilization of the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) doula benefit and address maternal health disparities among the Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) community.
First 5 Orange County expects that 40 doulas will benefit from this stipend program and numerous babies and families will benefit over the coming years from doula services. The application will remain open until all funding is expended.
To learn more or to apply, click here.
Safe Spaces Professional Learning Modules
The Office of the California Surgeon General released a free, online professional learning module designed to help early care and education personnel respond to trauma and stress in children. The training has two goals:
1. Provide greater awareness of the impact of stress and trauma on health, development and learning
2. Provide key mindsets and strategies to respond with trauma-informed principles and help create the conditions for safe and supportive learning environments for everyone.
Early care providers can access the CECO log-in page for ages 0-5 in English here and in Spanish here.
Child Care in Orange County Social Media Toolkit
Child Care and its Impact on Orange County’s Economy.
Childhood Trauma Screening Data
As part of the grant, “Preventing and Responding to ACE-Associated Health Conditions and Toxic Stress in Clinics through Community Engagement (PRACTICE), First 5 Orange County engaged a group of stakeholders to develop interactive maps that aggregate data from multiple sources. These data maps allow users to explore information from adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) screenings alongside other key data points like Early Development Index (EDI) Social-Emotional scores and available community resources.
The following organizations contributed data and thought-partnership to the development of these maps: CalOptima, Children and Families Coalition of Orange County, CHOC Children’s, Help Me Grow Orange County, Mind OC, and Western Youth Services. Through this publicly available resource, we aim to deepen community understanding of ACEs as well as inform targeted interventions and supports to address identified need and resource gaps.
Health and Wellness
Family Wellness Plans
Federal law requires that infants born affected by substance misuse, withdrawal or Fetal Alcohol Spectrum (FASD) receive a Plan of Safe Care (called Family Wellness Plan in Orange County) that supports their families as well. Templates have been created to assist providers in building Family Wellness Plans.
The goal of the Family Wellness Plan is to strengthen the family unit, help mothers have a healthy pregnancy, and keep child(ren) safely at home.
Click here to download the Family Wellness Plan Issue Brief.
Click here to download 5 Ways to Improve Care Using Family Wellness Plans (FWP).
Click here to download Building a Family Wellness Plan in the Medical Setting.
Click here for Family Wellness Plan videos.
Family Wellness Plan Role Play
From Judgement to Healing
Getting Real About Substance Use Disorder
SBIRT Role Play
Stigma Free OC Toolkit
Stigma Free OC is a county-wide movement which aims to clear the stigma associated with mental illness and addiction. This campaign is dedicated to raising awareness of these illnesses by creating an environment where people are seen and supported in their efforts to achieve wellness and recovery.
Substance Use During Pregnancy
Session I: The Lenses of Addiction
Dr. San Bartolome will discuss the science of addiction and how healthcare professionals can use this knowledge to further support the families they serve.
Session II: The Effects of Stigma on Service Access and Engagement
Dr. Briscoe and Ms. Jeffcoat will provide insight and recommendations to mitigate the effects of stigma when serving families affected by substance use.
Session III: Resources for Healthcare Providers
Jewel Loff and April Thornton lead a panel discussion providing information on services and resources designed to support pregnant people affected by substance use.
Perinatal and Infant Mental Health and Substance Use Toolkit
Mental health conditions that occur during pregnancy or in the first 12 months postpartum are referred to as perinatal mood and anxiety disorders (PMADs), maternal or perinatal mental health conditions. Pregnancy is an opportune time to screen and connect women to resources because of an increased motivation to change habits for the future well-being of their child. Estimates of perinatal psychiatric and substance use co-morbidity range from 57% to 91%, with the most common diagnoses being depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder. For this reason, it is crucial to screen all perinatal clients for mental health and substance use risk.
The Orange County Perinatal and Infant Mental Health and Substance Use Toolkit contains a wealth of resources and tools to assist you in supporting perinatal clients and their babies as they navigate the struggles that may arise during this time in their lives.
The videos below demonstrate recommended screening and intervention strategies for perinatal substance use, appropriate language and attitudes to reduce stigma, the use of motivational interviewing, and how to complete a Family Wellness Plan with a client in order to keep mother and baby together safely upon discharge from the hospital. We encourage you to utilize these videos when training staff or offering education to clients.
Click here for a revised Focus on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders brief.
For Medication Assisted Treatment in Orange County, call:
MAT Connect
(714) 352-5990, option 3
Orange County Beneficiary Access Line
(800) 723-8641
For a listing of additional treatment programs, visit:
OC Health Care Agency
Alcohol & Drug Abuse Outpatient Clinics
For more information on assisting mothers and infants exposed to substances please see the resources below:
Mother and Baby Substance Exposure Toolkit
Mother and Baby Substance Exposure Initiative webinars and educational videos
Legal Problem-Solving and Flourishing Handbook
This handbook was designed to assist in embracing legal problem-solving as a strategy and to provide a bigger toolbox that taps legal problem-solving resources both inside and outside the sector, so that perinatal and early childhood systems, programs, and teams can more effectively meet their mission of supporting families to flourish. Get the handbook here.
The handbook is available in Spanish, Vietnamese, Cape Verdean Creole, and Haitian Creole here.